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How to Use Waterfall Incense Burner

how to use waterfall incense burner

Are you searching for an eye-catching way to add some flair to your home or office decor? Consider investing in a waterfall incense burner. These exquisite burners use special backflow incense cones that cause the smoke to flow downward, creating the illusion of a cascading cascade of fragrant smoke resembling a natural waterfall!

Burning an incense cone is a straightforward and effortless process. Just ensure to position the cone correctly atop of your burner for an impressive waterfall effect.


For optimal results, ensure your waterfall incense burner is placed away from any air currents as even a slight breeze can diminish its smoke effect.

Keep your burner away from pets and children as they could hurt themselves if they get too close. Furthermore, pick a stable surface so you can place the burner correctly.

There are many types of incense burners, but the waterfall incense burner is one of the most popular. Not only does it add an elegant atmosphere to a home or office, but its ease of use and maintenance make it stand out from other stick burners. Plus, you can use this unique burner to light multiple types of incense – including aromatherapy incense!

Lighting the Incense Cones

A waterfall incense burner can be an enchanting way to enjoy your favorite fragrances and scents. It may also serve as a relaxing tool, calming the mind and helping you focus on tasks at hand.

To use a waterfall incense burner, first light the incense cones using either a match stick or lighter. Afterward, place the cones atop of the burner.

Once the tips of your cones begin to glow, gently blow out the flame and allow smoke to rise up from below inside of it. At this point, your cone should be fully burnt and ready for enjoyment!

Backflow incense cones are designed to produce an elegant waterfall effect by drilling a small hole at the bottom of each cone.

Filling the Burner with Water

If you’re searching for a way to add visual interest and atmosphere to your incense collection, consider investing in a waterfall incense burner. These burners utilize backflow incense cones to produce the illusion of falling smoke that can bring an air of wonderment and serenity into any space.

Some waterfall incense burners come in plain ceramic bowls, while others showcase intricate figurines or natural-themed designs. No matter your preferences, there’s sure to be a waterfall incense burner that meets all your requirements.

When using your incense waterfall burner, the first step should be filling it with water. Doing this ensures the smoke will flow downward and not upward.

Once the burner has been filled, it’s time to place an incense cone on top. Use a lighter or matches to light it; alternatively, you could also use a metal plate to extinguish the flame. Wait a few seconds for smoke to begin flowing from the cone once lit.

Waiting for the Smoke to Flow

To maximize the effects of your waterfall incense burner, be patient and wait for the smoke to fill it. This may take a few minutes, so be patient!

To do this, hold the incense cone and light it with a match or lighter. Once lit, its tip should glow red and begin to release an aromatic smoke.

Once lit, carefully place the incense cone onto the burner. Make sure the hole on the incense cone aligns with the hole in the burner.

The smoke from the incense will begin to trickle down through the hollow tunnel of the cone and out through the hole at the bottom of the burner, creating a stunning waterfall effect.


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