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How to Make Incense Sticks With Essential Oils

how to make incense sticks with essential oils

Incense sticks add a pleasant aroma to any home. Plus, they help purify the air and block out negative energy.

Are you searching for a unique scent for your incense sticks? Try adding essential oils! This will give them an intense fragrance that your room is sure to love!


Incense is an integral element of many religions, cultures and traditions. These fragrant sticks can be utilized to enhance meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices.

They can also be used to fill your home with aroma and serenity. They’re an economical yet effective way to improve the quality of your space.

Making incense sticks with essential oils is easy – simply blend your desired blend together. If unsure how much scent to use, scent one stick before creating a large batch of incense.

Once your mix is prepared, you can let the incense sticks soak for 24 hours in it before burning them. This soaking process helps your incense sticks absorb the scent of your essential oils and gives them a stronger aroma.


Incense sticks are an elegant way to fill your home with relaxing aromas and add a touch of serenity. They’re easy to make, scented with various essential oils or perfumes.

Popular incense fragrances include lavender, rose, jasmine and geranium. Lavender is known for its sedative effects which help you sleep soundly while rose has a romantic and sensuous aroma.

Make dipped incense using punk sticks, a long thin dish or beaker, and your desired essential oils. You may dilute the mix with dipropylene glycol (DPG) to extend its fragrance’s longevity.

First, dip the sticks in oil mixture either vertically or horizontally depending on what method you prefer. Let sit for 24 hours and then you can burn them! For best results, use incense sticks that are not too large as they will burn too quickly.


Are you searching for an effortless way to add fragrance to your home? Consider crafting incense sticks with essential oils. These fragrant sticks make a wonderful addition to any room and can be customized with different scents according to individual preferences.

One of the most sought-after aromas is rose oil, with its fresh floral and sweet scent that promotes relaxation and calm. It can be used during meditation and yoga to improve emotional wellbeing and promote restful sleep.

Sandalwood is another popular oil used in incense sticks, boasting an earthy, woody and seductive aroma that is soothing to the environment. Additionally, this oil has been known to reduce anxiety and stress levels.

To light incense sticks, simply dip the end into a small amount of your desired essential oil blend and hold the wooden end with a match or butane lighter. As soon as the tip ignites, blow it out and allow the smoke to vaporize the essential oil blend.


Making your own incense sticks with essential oils is both simple and enjoyable. It’s the perfect opportunity to test different scents and discover which ones you enjoy most.

Create your own signature incense blend from woody and floral to musky and sweet. Or mix scents together for a truly unique fragrance experience.

Begin by measuring out your essential oil into a graduated cylinder. You may need more than one if making an extensive batch of incense.

Next, soak your incense sticks in the essential oil mixture for 24 hours. This will give them a powerful aroma that should linger for several days.

After soaking, place the incense sticks on a rack or screen to dry. Generally speaking, this process takes between one and five days depending on climate and environment.


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