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How to Use a Dragon Incense Burner

dragon incense burner how to use

Dragon incense burners can add a relaxing aroma and soothing smoke to any room. With such a variety of shapes and sizes available, there’s sure to be one that meets your personal needs. Plus, you can use them as decor in your home or office!

A Dragon Backflow Incense Burner

The dragon is a symbol of power, strength and happiness for those worthy of its company. It has many positive attributes like regeneration of your environment, improved communication abilities and focus. Plus it represents wisdom and good luck!

Incense comes in various forms, such as cones, sticks and coils. Sticks work best for burning in smaller spaces while cones burn much more slowly for a long-lasting fragrance.

How to Use a Dragon Incense Burner

First, light your dragon incense burner. Next, choose a cone that fits snugly inside the burner and make sure both cones are aligned correctly so they burn smoothly and evenly.

If your incense is burning too rapidly, it’s essential to let it cool before blowing out the flames. Doing this will help avoid your cones from smoking out too quickly and leaving behind a yellowish liquid residue.

It’s also recommended to remove the incense cone when it has completely burned, in order to avoid fire hazards and possible burner damage. Furthermore, wiping down your incense burner after each use helps avoid residue buildup on its ceramic surface.

Add an aromatherapy candle to your incense burner for even greater calming effects. These candles can be scented with essential oils or other ingredients that enhance the calming effect of burning incense. Place them centrally on a table or mantelpiece for additional ambience and tranquility.

The waterfall incense burner produces a soothing, rippling smoke that can be beneficial for those seeking to meditate. Sitting and gazing into the smoke will improve concentration skills – an easy way to maximize the benefits of your backflow incense burner.

How Does a Backflow Burner Operate?

A backflow incense burner utilizes special incense cones that produce waterfall-like smoke. These hollow containers have an opening at the bottom that allows smoke to cascade down its sides.

These cones produce a denser smoke than standard incense cones, creating an impressive visual effect. The waterfall effect lasts 10 to 15 minutes, giving you plenty of time to sit back, relax, and take in the fragrance as you take a deep breath.

Backflow incense burners are made from premium ceramic materials with a stunning reflective surface. This creates an effect that’s both soothing and uplifting – perfect for adding beauty to your home or office, or giving as a thoughtful gift to friends and family members.


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